If you own a dog whose breed doesn’t really enjoy the outdoor life, or if you live in an apartment and don’t have a backyard, you have no other choice but to keep your dog inside. After some time, dogs learn not to do their business inside, not to chew on the furniture, and even not to bark all that much. But no matter what you do, they won’t learn how not to shed because that’s a physiological need and it has to happen just like breathing or sleeping.
However, you can limit their shedding and keep it to a minimum. Your home and all of your stuff don’t have to be all covered in dog hair. Here’s how.
Shedding hair
Shedding is a completely normal process which happens to all animals, including us humans. Just take a look at your pillow when you wake up. Even if you have a short hairstyle, some strands of hair will remain there after the entire night. The main purpose of shedding is to discard damaged and loose hair. This way, new, healthier hair can grow in its place.
As mentioned before, all dogs shed their hair, it’s just that some breeds do it more than others. Believe it or not, short haired dogs shed the most. Not in quantity of the hair they discard but in duration of the process. They usually lose hair all year round, no matter the season or weather.
Some dog breeds like Huskies and Akitas shed when seasons change, and they shed a lot, but for a short period of time. This is perfectly normal, as well as healthy. But if you notice your dog sheds excessively more or they don’t shed as much as they have, they might have some health issues that are causing that. Patchy hair loss and skin wounds are a sign of infection so if you notice these symptoms, it’s time to go to the vet.
Hypoallergenic dogs?
As of lately, potential dog owners have started seeking dog breeds that are so called hypoallergenic, which means their hair, saliva and overall presence doesn’t trigger an allergic reaction from people who suffer from allergies.
As much as someone would love this to be true, sadly no dog breed can be described as hypoallergenic. All dogs lose hair, they all drool, and they all can accumulate various allergens inside of their coat. So, if you are allergic to dog hair, don’t test your luck and maybe choose a different pet after all, like lizards or turtles. Or try spending some time with your friend’s dog and see if their presence triggers a reaction.

How to control shedding?
Although you can’t completely avoid shedding, you can at least lower it down to a reasonable amount by following these few tips.
Protect your interior from dog hair
Properly adapting your home interior can help you deal with dog hair. Two small changes in your home decor can make cleaning up dog hair much easier. First, cover all of your furniture with something. You don’t have to use those annoying transparent plastic covers, any bedsheet or a throw will do the job equally well. When you notice that a lot of hair accumulated on top of those covers, just take them outside, shake them off well, and wash them in your washing machine. This is much easier than vacuuming out dog hair that got stuck to your couch or your resting chairs.
Second thing you should do is to place mats on the floor where your dog spends the most time. Hair that they lose will cling onto that carpet instead of being dragged all over your house as your dog or your family members walk from room to room. Just like the covers, when they become full of hair, shake them off outside and then simply wash them.
Clean up regularly
Don’t forget to vacuum your home regularly. If you find that vacuum cleaners pick up only some of your dog’s hair but not all of it, it may be because your dog’s hair tends to become woven into fabrics in your home. That’s where the Lilly Brush Mini Pet Hair Detailer comes in. A few quick sweeps with this handy tool removes even the most stubbornly embedded pet hair from carpets and upholstery.
Groom your dog regularly
Protection is better than cure. To prevent excessive dog shedding on all over your house use a dog grooming glove. The shedding hair sticks to the glove, making it easy to peel and throw hair away. Your puppy would sit and let you scratch him all day if you had the time. If you are able to brush your furry friend daily or at least every other day there will be visibly less fur on your clothes and around the house.
Consider getting an air purifier
Another good method of dealing with dog hair in your house is to use an air purifier. They do cost a bit but if you have problems with asthma or bronchitis, it will mean the world to you. It also helps a lot with preventing allergic reactions, and taking care of dog hair. However, if you do get yourself one of these in order to battle dog hair, you will have to change its filters often. Even more than it is recommended by the manufacturer. But your air will stay fresh and clean so it’s worth the hassle.
Healthy diet
And last, adjust your dog’s diet. If your dog eats food that provides them with the right nutrients, their hair will become strong and healthy. This is closely related to shedding because the stronger and healthier your dog’s hairs are, the less they shed since there’s no need for new ones. Give your dog food that contains enough proteins and fat. Food with plenty essential fatty acids will contribute the most to reducing their shedding. If you decide to save money on dog food, don’t expect your dog not to leave a bunch of hairs behind them.
I hope you found this article useful. Now you should be able to enjoy having your dog inside the house without worrying about the hair they leave behind.
Tara Edwards
The post How To Control Dog Hair In The House appeared first on Lilly Brush.