This summer has been riddled with record highs, scorching hot asphalt, and plenty of hot sunny afternoons. Your dog can’t always express how they’re feeling in these extreme temperatures, so it’s very important to keep an eye on them and take necessary precautions. Asphalt becomes extremely hot, and cars quickly turn into a dangerous place to be. Some dog breeds are more susceptible to the heat than others, so be sure to take note of your dog’s tolerance. Typically, short-nosed dogs are the most vulnerable to extreme temperatures. This includes, but isn’t limited to, bulldogs, boxers, pugs, terriers, and all other short-nosed breeds. Older and more obese dogs are also more at risk in the heat. Take care of your dog all summer long by following these easy tips!

One of the most easily overlooked aspects of a hot day is how extreme the temperature of the ground can be on your dog’s paws. When the temperature outside is just 77ºF, the asphalt on a sunny day can reach up to 125ºF!
You can fry an egg at 131ºF…
Just imagine how your dog feels walking on a frying pan! One quick way to determine if it’s too hot for your dog is to press your hand firmly on the ground. If you can’t comfortably hold your skin to the ground for more than 11 seconds, then don’t force your dog to do so. Another way to prevent your pet’s paws from burning up is to purchase Musher’s Secret. This 100% wax-based cream acts as paw protection from hot pavement, sand, ice and salt. Otherwise, try to avoid paved areas on hot days, and walk your dog in the grass as often as possible. Farmers markets, festivals, and block parties in the hot summer sun seem fun and harmless, but your dog may not feel the same way.
Don’t Just Crack The Windows
A very common mistake that people make is leaving their pets in the car while they run into the store. This seems harmless, to crack the windows and run a quick errand, but it’s actually very dangerous for your pets. On an 85ºF day, a car parked in the sun can reach 102ºF in just 10 minutes! 30 minutes, the inside of the car can reach 120ºF. A quick errand for you can feel like an eternity for a dog in the car. Sadly, since 2018, 103 dogs have been reportedly found dead in a hot car. Those are just the public numbers, with the true total estimated to be much higher. The best way to avoid this? DON’T LEAVE YOUR DOG IN THE CAR.
Colorado Police Office, Dave Kornowski
“We’re usually called two or three times per week for a dog in a car.”
8 states have good samaritan laws that allow any person to break into a car to save a pet. These states include: California, Colorado, Indiana, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Florida, Ohio, and Tennessee.
Please, take extra caution with your dogs in the summer heat. Listen to their body language, be wary of the weather, and make sure they have plenty of water. A hydrated dog is a happy dog in the scorching summer heat.
The Lilly Brush Team
The post Is It Too Hot To Be Outside With Your Pet? appeared first on Lilly Brush.