Alicia, founder of The Mama Report held on to a tired old sweater for over 20 years! Could Lilly Brush help her bring it back to proper form?
“I decided to give this simple tool the ultimate test. I have a black cardigan sweater that is over 20 years old. It is riddled with pills, it’s awful really. But I’ve held on to this sweater through the years for sentimental reasons. Could the Lilly Brush help this much loved sweater? If I didn’t love it, I would have gotten rid of it years and years ago.”
“As you can see the Lilly Brush brought back new life to my beloved sweater. The right side is how the sweater has normally looked, while the left side has been worked over with the brush. Most pills have been removed, and if I was truly diligent I could keep at it to remove even more.”
The Mama report is currently offering a Lilly Brush giveaway! Click here to see full review and enter to win!
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