New Year's Resolutions According to Your Pet

New Year's Resolutions According to Your Pet

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The New Year is upon us! Can you believe it is 2025? January is known for its reflection of the past 365 days and your aspiration for the next chapter. This is the time for the ever so common New Year’s resolution. 

Whether or not you are someone who plans for New Year’s resolutions in the pursuit of self improvement or not, maybe your furry friend does it for you! Let’s take a moment to honor your pet’s New Year’s resolution – dog and cat edition. 

Fido’s 2025

Dear my precious human, 

Thank you for a beautiful past year. I understand you are taking 2025 requests. I have heard about these “resolutions” your type considers at the arbitrary turn of the calendar. I would like to weigh in! 

More Walks 

I hear you people like to “get fit” in the new year – it’s the season for hitting the gym! Well, I encourage you to avoid the crowds and chaos and join me instead. Let’s up the walks! This is good for us both. 

Trouble sleeping? Stressed out? Not me… but maybe I can help you out! Let’s go pound the pavement in pursuit of better cardiovascular, muscle, and bone health. And, it just so happens that I too would love an increase of our special time.

Our bond can be stronger, our minds clearer, and our health better. What’s not to love!

More Playtime 

As you build your schedule for 2025, make sure to pencil me in! Both our kinds can struggle with loneliness. Spending time playing together can help us both with this! It’s no secret your kind is sooooo wrapped up with those little handheld screens. 2025 is the time to be present! 

No boredom here for either of us! We can pass the time with some tug of war, brain puzzles for us both (treats in mine, please! – I will leave the pretty picture-making to your opposable thumbs), and some collaborative cleanup time after. 

Don’t you worry – I have an awesome holiday gift in the mail… Better late than never, right? I know all this playtime and walks may get us both messy. Since it is sweater season, I took the liberty of getting you a Save Our Sweaters fabric depiller and hair remover tool… Which will come in handy for my final resolution recommendation… 

More Cuddles 

Thanks to the magic of Lilly Brush, you don’t need to worry about cleaning up after me as much! We can lounge allllll day on the couch together with such a quick cleanup thanks to the Mini Pet Hair Detailer. Since you don’t have to worry about my hair getting caked into the furniture, can I please start sleeping on the bed? 

I hope you will take my proposed resolutions to heart. I think we could have an even better year ahead of us with a few slight changes. We can check in in a few months on your progress with these recommendations. I look forward to our wonderful 2025! And don’t forget, I love you always, especially when you give me peanut butter. 

Feline’s 2025 

To whom it may concern, 

I hope this finds you well and open to feedback. The era you humans refer to as “New Year’s” upon us. I have been hearing about these “resolutions” you tend to adhere yourselves to, usually only for a couple months at a time.

Well, let’s make some positive lasting change together, shall we? I think I can help. Your 2025 has the potential to be remarkable, but you first must find yourself prioritizing my propositions. This is all in good faith and out of love – we all just show love a little differently. 

Prioritize Rest

Your kind has the tendency to go overboard on your New Year’s expectations. Let’s not take ourselves so seriously this time around. Maybe the alleviation of stress you have been looking for has a much simpler answer than you anticipated… Naps. 

Now, I do believe this is something you could learn from me! Not all of mankind was meant to keep a traditional schedule, and that’s okay. Free yourself from these confines and join me for a midday snooze! 

Naps can be beneficial to your overall health and wellness. You don’t have to take my word for it – here’s some insight from Health Benefits of Napping. What, you didn’t think I was capable of research? 

Not only can your memory improve, but you also may even be more successful at that pesky job of yours. “When you do a task over and over throughout the day, your performance gets worse as the day goes on. Studies show that a nap can help keep you more consistent.”

If you need to be more alert, like my kind, a nap can help with that, too! There’s really no going wrong. Keep in mind that nothing beats a good night’s sleep, though, and naps should be in addition to a strong sleeping routine. You people can learn just from watching me! 

Be Independent

Not all humans are built for my next recommendation – but, I think this next one is good for your awareness. When’s the last time you did something by yourself, for yourself? Take some time for yourself! Go do what fills your cup!

My cup is filled by some quiet independent time. I do love my cuddles and bonding with you, but sometimes I gotta do me, ya know? Let me go climb on my tree and allow my imagination to run wild – release your inhibitions, man! Let your inner cat run wild! I’ll be here, ready for some playtime or dinner when you're ready. I do hope you will take my suggestions into consideration. Feline, out! 

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