Loving our pets and saving our sweaters, every single day.
The Daily Groom

How To Control Dog Hair In The House
If you own a dog whose breed doesn’t really enjoy the outdoor life, or if you live in an apartment and don’t have a backyard, you have no other choice but to keep your dog inside. After some time, ...

Shedding Season Is Back
Fall is here, and the trees aren’t the only ones shedding their outer layer. Twice every year, you may notice your couches and cars starting to look like a snow globe. While most dogs are shedding ...

Detailing Guide to Cleaning Your Car Seats!
Leather or cloth seats, the age old argument since the creation of the automobile. Both have their pros and cons. Leather gets way too hot in the summertime, is a pain to maintain, and is obviously...

No Mess. No Waste. No Refills.
As landfills grow into mountains, and single use plastics swirl in our oceans and waterways many of us feel how urgently we must strive to be eco-conscious. At Lilly Brush, we understand how import...

Save Your Sweaters!
It’s that time of the year! Finally, spring is here and it’s starting to warm up (depending on where you live of course!). With the winter quickly coming to an end, that necessary spring cleaning i...

New Detailing Tool For an Old Problem
Ughhh, there’s nothing worse than a hairy car! In fact, vacuum-resistant embedded pet hair is the #1 headache auto detailers and pet owners alike face when cleaning their cars! Until now, pumice st...

How to Remove Every Hair Your Pet Sheds in The Car
We all know someone, whether it’s a family member, co-worker, or a friend who has become fur blind to the mounds of pet hair in their car. However, if you have ever tried to clean your car after ta...
Rescuing Sweaters from Pills and Fur One Closet at a Time
The lovely ladies over at We Heart This took an up close look on how Lilly Brush preforms on pills and pet hair. Once again, Lilly Brush impressed! Here are some highlights of what they had to say...
Pet Hair and Fuzzies on Upholstery and Fabric? No Problem!
Jen Mathews of MyBeautyBunny.com uses Lilly Brush to remove pet hair from upholstery and fabrics! Here is what she had to say about the Lilly Brush and its multiple uses! “The Lilly Brush is one of...

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