So you’ve come up with an amazing idea for a product, and you’re sure that millions of people would be thrilled to have it, if only you could figure out how to get it to market!
Just nine years ago, that was the question foremost on my mind as I eyed the crazy looking cleaning hack I had built to deal with the huge volume of pet hair my Australian Shepherd, Lilly, shed each day. Right there on my kitchen counter sat what I believed to be the most effective pet hair remover I had ever used. It was just the thing to help me beat my sticky roller refill habit, and wouldn’t it be a great thing to share with others? But, how?
Follow the footsteps of others who have been there.
The answer, I soon learned, could be found in books. Every question that came up as I worked my way toward the goal of getting my first product to market could be answered by others who had done this before me.
If you are looking for some of the most outstanding books available to help you advance from a homegrown inventor to a successful consumer product manufacturer, I have compiled below a list of my favorites.
Prepare to become a book-reading workaholic!
As a complete beginner, I could not have made it through the first year of the prototyping and patenting process without the incredibly comprehensive and useful tips found in:
The Mom Inventor’s Handbook: How to Turn Your Great Idea Into the Next Big Thing by Tamara Monosoff

If you have a sensational product idea, but not the time, stamina, or financial resources to go the distance on your own, I recommend reading about product licensing in:
One Simple Idea: How to Turn Your dreams Into a Licensing Goldmine While Letting Others Do the Work by Stephen Key

Before you build a website, be sure to read:
Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug

One book that asked the questions that I did not yet have the knowledge and experience to consider also gave me the info and insight to answer them. Do read:
The Art of the Start: Time-Tested Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything by Guy Kawasaki

Last but not least, because being an entrepreneur is sometimes lonely and terrifying, read this for inspiration to stay calm and carry on. Greatness awaits! Enjoy:
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight

If you have found other books that you think might help others on the same path, be sure to share them in the comments below.
Founder Elsie Hamilton

The post The Five Best Books to Help New Inventors Bring Products to Market appeared first on Lilly Brush.